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Thursday, March 6, 2008

i've moved to... http://izakteh.wordpress.com

:: izak blogged @
9:45 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008

Okay, here i am now, just at the close of yet another day, at the break of another roller coaster of emotions... I had actually typed a vile post of detest and angst but the network failed and i was unable to upload it, to make things worse, i lost the ENTIRE long long long post... but, i guess it was just as well... :D

Over the course of the day i have ONE major presentation which was Design History and Culture, of which was an explosive three hours of unbridled anger and tongue-lashings, i must apologise to Veron and Yujie if i was being totally sacarstic and unlikeable at some point but... IT WAS REALLY YOUR FAULTS LOR... hahaha but nevermind, i guess at the end of the day there are always things we dislike about each other and i bet there are people out there of dislike me as much as i disliked them for those three to five hours... It's a vicious cycle, i treat you badly and it'll affect your mood and cause you to hurt someone else... i guess, hurting others thins your own shell also, it just makes you more vulnerable and more sensitive... double edged sword, kill others kill yourself... :D so here's a big great SORRY to veron and yujie and i LOVE you many many... esp. veron, you're my classmate from block 1! how could i ever hate you... wahahaha... :D

anyway, after that was just a whirlwind of meetings, Creative comm meeting which was... quite productive although i must say that a Christine that's high on tiredness can really be annoying... hahaha, but i guess we got the main gist... :D Simultaneously and slightly before also was marketing design meeting, which really got us somewhere which is so great and i'm really happy to be in a group that i can work really well with... hahaha i was just biting my nail when i realised i was playing with amanda's hair just now... AHHHH!! DISINFECT DISINFECT!

After that was... programme meeting although i dunno why they asked me to go cuz it didn't really concern me much... hahaha they gave me the compiled proposed themes from the groups... three nia... hahaha okay lah, better than nothing, it's worth accompanying amanda and sarah and christian for... :D VSC WOO~! ... Farhan has been on a high for a consecutive week AT LEAST, i'm concerned... but what the heck huh... hahaha... After that i peeked in on the appeal interviews for abit...seemed quite bleak to me, didn't think that spirits were high at all and i think i offended fiona by whopping her head while she was trying to eat a ruffle.. hahaha sorry lah, but ruffles get me high... :D hahaha...

After that took the journey back to tampines MRT with hajar and froggie and i swear ah, she does the best anime voices in the whole wide world, and of course she does the night walk thing really well...hahaha, i'd have recorded her doing voices! If only i knew where to find the record function on my phone... took me abt 3 minutes searching before i gave up... :D Good job izak :D hahaha...

Journeyed to the West to JURONG WEST to get the social studies book from shuyi, SHE TOTALLY SAVED OUR LIVES AHHH hahaha, not it's shuyi from my sec school uh, not SOK NGEE... :D hahaha... anyway yea, kinda miss having the great life in secondary school quite carefree, no big assignments and multiple projects to do... no pimples... BUT ANYWAY, i'm resigned to my lot now, i've chosen design and i will go all out and DO design...


:: izak blogged @
9:28 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

hats and ice cream...
here am i, not having posted for a long long time...
going on life without a minute to step back and take a look at the big picture...
some secrets are bigger than others...
some tasks are harder than others...(or we think they are)
some motivations are weaker than others...
i wonder with a pain in the flesh, how we move on each day...
we hope to linger in our perfect place, in the day with a coffee in hand at a sunlight cafe with an intellectual book... at night in a dimly lit place with an alcohol and a friend...
we can try so hard sometimes, too hard, fighting till we lose the goal, stuggling till we slip recklessesly on the ice...
anchor me to the ground...
some friends are harder to love than others... but, not everyone is easy to love...
turn on a narration to my life, run it like a movie...
food and drink, money and well, quietly wondering about things.... listening to my own footsteps and screaming inside sometimes to relieve the irritation in my gut...
walking to wrong direction though you know better... now walk better, walk right...
seeing things alone, seeing things in cold weather...
hugging yourself... maybe being laughted at and laughing at....

here are the random things i want to say and after i walk away from the computer will my life be any better? hahaha would yours after postring or reading my post...

figure with a fake background. it's always been, we always are and will always be... :D

:: izak blogged @
4:13 AM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

here i am stuck here in a freezing shopping centre after like... three and a half hours of working like seriously checking stock and talking to irritating customers with an endearing smile on my face...BREAK RECORD AH!!!! hahaha, just now there was a customer in here who had an impossible problem for me to solve for her, and she had this ultra bad attitude so i just happily took her for a verbal roller coaster ride for like 20 minutes and eventually she went off WITHOUT ANYTHING! rwarrrhahha and she thought she could fleece me of a new 3D crystal puzzle in the shape of a star... BUT NO!!! hahahaha... :D so happy... well, it was already bad enough that i had to walk into the shop confronted by a MOUNTAIN of new stock and a price tagger which would not stamp properly... hahaha...

my new idol... hehehehe... :D

yesterday was bible study day and REBECCA ABANDONED ME!! she treated my like a piece of tissue paper that could be used to rub your nose and conveniently thrown into the smelly green dustbins found easily at a bus stop near YOU!! Anyway i was randomly being frantic and smsing people and calling people to make sure there was people to go with me.. hahaha and walah, my saviour came... in the form of tingting, hahaha no offense Jesus, but the title is still urs ;D ... yea... hahaha... anyway yay..

this one is crazily better...

anyway guys MUNCHY DOUGHNUT, remember this name because ... it's good... rahhhh... saliva tears and mucus simultaneously falls uncontrollably... wahhhhhH!H!H!H!H hahaha.....

consultation tomorrow and i'm not getting anything done at work... but it's okay, cuz i'm living out my fantasy of being the kind of customer service that everyone wants to be friends with... hahaha... :D

:: izak blogged @
1:48 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

according to blogger this is my 100th post on this blog... haha time to change blog already, i don't believe i posted so many cuz i remember spending most of my time MIA from the blog... anyway, izak is really thankful because this week started out quite bad cuz i really couldn't get my butt to work so thank goodness now i'm back on track and hopefully i'll be back in the mode to chiong work again...

lots of things to do, so little time again... i'm always intimidated when faced with such a situation, everything boils down to the very last minutes and seconds, working constantly until that very last moment when you put in your work then you realise, it's all over and you can breathe easy again... I want to breathe easy ALL the time but i seriously can't get started to my work early enough! beh...

school today again, i did some sketches and a little chalky stuff so that hopefully it'll seem that i did ALOT of work... well, i didn't do any actually... feeling so guilty... hahaha... oh well... jia yoU! hahaha

:: izak blogged @
5:56 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i cannot believe i attended a nerd party, hahah felt positively retarded like half the time... and oh so totally insecure... hahaha but anyway it was fun lah, i didn't prepare anything special to look like a nerd so just donned the specs and combed the hair, see i'm still in my dsc shirt! hahaha lol... loser... hahaha

amanda was right, chris brown rocketh... hahaha takes awhile to grow on you but he's really good... hahaha and so is neyo and so is electrico big time... hahaha, i decided to do my CD cover assignment on electrico cuz tanya chua was just hard to do man... hahaha... :D

i spent the entire morning drifting in and out of work, i'm really in trouble, got so much work to do but i seriously can't get started at all! hahaha, i'm so worried lah, but i guess that the early hours are really not my kind of timing... hahaha i mean i'm more the wee hours kinda person i guess... school tomorrow... :( hahaha... i really dread going all the way down, i just want to sit all glassy eyed in front of the television and stone my entire life away... :D hahhaa...

God knows when i'll ever be able to take a break, jia you plssss hahaha

:: izak blogged @
10:07 PM

today is the last day of the busiest week of my life.

i so thank God that it's over i cannot believe that i got through all those days just sitting here and working and working day and night and going for meetings and going to church and going for this and that and at the end of the day finding myself oh so terribly exhausted...

but i'm happy, cuz i know that this week though it was the toughest but i know i also achieved and accomplished the most that i could have ever done in such a short time... i think i learnt more than in any class that i've ever attended... Gave way to more pimples but i'm satisfied... :D

crazier week ahead, i think that these two months i'm really going to stretched beyond what i've ever done before... jia you! :D ok pictures next post okay, promise ;D

:: izak blogged @
7:05 AM


wonders about plastic surgery...
is it painful?
is it like smashing ur face in a wall?
desires nose job

The One & ONLI

17 years old
wonders about confusion...
and the complex stuff in life...
wonders about acne too...

Well of WORDS


ying nuo


* February 2007
* March 2007
* April 2007
* May 2007
* June 2007
* July 2007
* August 2007
* September 2007
* October 2007
* November 2007
* December 2007
* January 2008
* February 2008
* March 2008